Sunrise Health Communications

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Numbers game never a winner

When Reed Abelson writes in the New York Times about the impact of hospital consolidation, everyone in the industry needs to take notice. The Times commissioned research on the 25 markets that saw the greatest consolidation of hospital market share between 2010 and 2013. The researchers found that prices rose more in the consolidated markets than the average increase in the states included in the markets in 23 out of 25 cases.

There are some worthwhile questions to be raised about the numbers -- showing the change in prices after a merger tells us something, but it would be improved with some context: Before the merger, were the acquired hospitals in such a tough bargaining position that they were significantly underpaid? But the view among the wider public is rarely about the context.

Demonstrating the benefits a health system delivers to the communities it serves requires an ongoing effort to tell your story and engage with patients, employees, physicians and community leaders. When your organization is already in trouble, it’s too late.

Photo by paulbr75 on Pixabay

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